Contribute Data

Contribute data and links to FDR - Data Producers

We will work with all data producers who would like to store links and select data in FDR and maintain the data/links stored until we develop a scalable way to maintain the existing data as well as update data when information in the source is updated. This may continue to happen for sources which do not have APIs available.

Primary Considerations

  • Data format and access:
    • Is your data available in JSON format?
    • Are there APIs currently available?

  • Determine entities and their quote content and identify key primary data:
    • How is this key data useful on its own?
    • Can this key data provide the users enough information to decide if they want to visit the links to get full data representation?
    • How many entities do you have? What kinds of existing or new entities do they link to? To know more about the existing entities in FDR, see the “Content and Access” page.
    • Will each entity have unique URLs to your site?
    • FDR is not intended for deep modeling of objects (such as Variants or Genes). Data for the actual LINKS is currently VERY limited. However this is a design decision for FDR's implementation architecture.

  • Data updates and synchronization:
    • What is the plan for updating FDR entity content and links? Coordination of data change through notification/messaging is generally deficient and ignored in public databases; usually the primary focus is on modeling, warehousing, exposure of data & metadata. But knowledge change is a cornerstone of scientific research.